Wiki RU EN Translator
Minimum rank required for this position

Wiki RU EN Translator
Any personal information given in your application will be kept secret to the Administration of Tanki Online. The Administration will not share nor publish any information you have included in your application, but your information will be referenced for any future application for any Helper position within the Game.
Wiki EN RU Translators - What's The Task?
Wiki EN RU translators are responsible for translating articles requested by the wiki editors from Russian to English. As an EN RU translator, you are expected to have considerable knowledge about the game and its components - as that is one of the main pillars of this job. Of course, you are also encouraged to collaborate with Wiki Editors, take part in discussions, and actively contribute to the community.
Benefits - What's In It For You?
- Excellent environment in which to work and improve skills;
- Perfect opportunity to meet and cooperate with new people;
- Golden chance to learn and know more about translating and its perspectives;
- Chance to gain experience for future endeavors;
- Getting satisfaction of working officially for the game;
- Special paint to wear in battles;
- Compensation - in the form of in-game currency - for the work you do.
Requirements - Who're We Looking For?
someone who:
- Has been active in the game with valuable contributions for at least six or more months;
- Has a sound knowledge of both the English and Russian language;
- Has considerable knowledge of getting your ways around in a computer;
- Has no bans at the time of applying; had clean karma for six or more months;
- Shows mature and responsible behavior, in accordance with the game rules and EULA;
- Is ranked
Third Lieutenant, or higher.
Desirable qualities and attributes:
- Ability to work in a group/team;
- cooperation;
- Enthusiasm;
- Responsibility;
- independence;
- Patience; and most importantly,
- activity;
Important Information - Read Carefully!
1. Official Helpers of the EN Community are not allowed to change their nicknames. If you're planning to change your nickname, please do so before applying!
2. Official Helpers are prohibited from entering a number of contests.
1. You will receive written confirmation of submission immediately.
2. Successful candidates will be contacted within a week after applying. If you're not contacted within one or two weeks, consider yourself rejected.
3. Do not contact an Administrator about the status of your application. Applications take a minimum of two weeks to fully process, and doing so will leave a negative remark on your application and/or your career in the future.
Good luck to all applicants!