Japanese Translator
Minimum rank required for this position

Translate our beloved game to Japanese!
Any personal information given in your application will be kept secret by the Administration of Tanki Online. The Administration will not share nor publish any information you have included in your application, but your information will be referenced for any future application for any Helper position within the Game.
Task - What do Translators do?
As an EN > JP translator, you will be responsible for helping the game language to be translated to Japanese, this includes; Missions, Items, Equipment and everything a normal player would see on a daily basis.
Benefits - What's in it for you?
- Excellent environment in which to improve your language skills
- A chance to meet new people and work with people from all over the world
- Satisfaction gained from helping others and working for the game
- A small compensation in the form of Crystals and Rubies for the work you do
- Forum group and avatar as well as a special paint
Requirements - Who are we looking for?
- Has been active in the game;
- Has good knowledge of English;
- Has a Discord account (mandatory);
- Has the ability to produce clear translations, avoiding ambiguous information;
- Shows mature & responsible behavior, in accordance with the Game Rules & EULA;
- Has a good karma for at least 6 months.
Desirable qualities and attributes:
- Ability to work in a group/team;
- Cooperation;
- Enthusiasm;
- Responsibility;
- Independence;
- Patience;
- Activity;
- Following orders and commands given by the Administration.
Important Information - Read Carefully!
- Official Helpers of the EN Community are not allowed to change their nicknames. If you're planning to change your nickname, please do so before applying!
- Official Helpers are prohibited from entering a number of contests.
1. You will receive written confirmation of submission immediately.
2. Successful candidates will be contacted within a month after applying. If you're not contacted within one-two months, consider yourself rejected.
3. Do not contact an Administrator about the status of your application. Applications take a minimum of two weeks to process fully, and doing so will leave a negative mark on your application and/or your career in the future.
4. Declined applicants may apply again and have their application reconsidered after SIX months (counting from the moment of submitting the last application) - but this doesn't necessarily mean they'll be accepted next time.
Important: Please write your application in English.
Good luck to all applicants!