Content Helpers
Daily news, weekly v-logs, announcements, broadcasts, designs, etc. All of these are done by these wonderful people!

Do you possess a keen eye for detail and a strong enough grasp of the English language? Are you eager to join and work as part of an enthusiastic team to improve the game? If so, the Proofreader position might be perfect for you!
Minimum rank required for this position

Rent a Spectator
Have you always wanted to take beautiful photos or record cool videos for other tankers? Then you’re in the right place, read on!
Minimum rank required for this position

Vlog Translator
Our team provides the subtitles found on the EN V-LOGs. We strive to cover as many languages as possible.
Minimum rank required for this position

You must be available at 17-19 UTC on weekdays and weekends for this position.
Minimum rank required for this position

You must be available at 17-19 UTC on weekdays and weekends for this position.
Minimum rank required for this position

RU EN translator
This one is a special position.